Sunday 17 June 2018

Shout it from the rooftops, declares local government conference

“We should be shouting from the rooftops about what we do,” Carmarthenshire delegate Mark Evans told the local government conference today, as conference called for a campaign to raise the profile of local government workers.

The motion was overwhelmingly carried, after many delegates spoke passionately about the lack of recognition or support for the work done by local government employees, and the devastating effects of government cuts.

This lack of recognition has made it easy for the government to cut local government funding at a much greater rate than for any other part of the public sector, delegates heard.

Proposing the motion, Paul Gill from the Eastern region said: “We are seen as the poor relation of the public sector. We haven’t always succeeded in convincing the public that local government cuts are a problem.”

Meanwhile, Elizabeth Cameron (pictured) of the national Black members’ committee drew attention to the plight of Black local government workers in particular, “Black members all around us are facing the worst experiences of bullying, harassment, lack of development and support.

“We call on you not to forget Black members.”

The composite motion calls on the local government service group executive to run a campaign along the same lines as the Public Service Champions campaign to raise the profile of local government members.

This would include working with the press and media office, training branches and members to engage with the media and working with other local government unions, sector representative bodies and think-tanks to develop a shared vision for the future of local government.

The article Shout it from the rooftops, declares local government conference first appeared on the UNISON National site.

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