Monday, 23 July 2018

BLOG: UNISON members keep our services running over the summer – they deserve our thanks

We are now, undisputedly, in the summer holiday season. In the weeks ahead, millions of people will head off around the UK and out of the country on holiday – taking a break from their day to day.

I know that many UNISON members will be looking forward to a break too – with family, friends, loved ones or some alone time away from home. For public service workers more than most, a holiday is an opportunity to take time away from the stresses and strains of work and relax. When so many of you are being placed under ever greater pressure by a government that shows no care for the work you do, that opportunity to take time away from work is all the more important.

Yet at the same time, for too many public servants, financial pressures mean that a summer holiday is too expensive – denying them much needed respite from the stresses of work.

Meanwhile, in our care homes, hospitals and town halls, countless public service workers will continue to provide services throughout the summer – including many of the services that make the festivities our communities enjoy possible.

Whatever UNISON members are doing this summer, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for everything you do for the public and for our union. And I hope that everyone who relies on public services this summer takes the opportunity to do likewise – remembering that, as always, our special members keep our country moving every single day of the year.

The article BLOG: UNISON members keep our services running over the summer – they deserve our thanks first appeared on the UNISON National site.

from Mix ID 8239598


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